Evolution of variation in immune systems

Summary of variation in immune cell subtype abundance and expression across three sampled populations of G. aculeatus. a) Bar graph representing relative abundance of each of the eight major cell types within each of the three sampled populations. b) Comparison across populations (SAY, Sayward; GOS, Gosling; ROB, Roberts Lake fish) of expression of B-cell–specific expression of putative immunoglobulin genes. All five genes were significantly differentially expressed between two or more populations. Letters indicate statistically significant groups. c) Heatmap of expression of neutrophil marker genes in both the HCs and erythrocytes. Columns are clustered by cell type and then population. Genes are clustered by similarity of expression profile using base algorithms from the pheatmap package in R. d) Comparison of neutrophil-specific expression of the two copies of nephrosin across the three sampled populations. Letters indicate statistically significant groups.

As ecoimmunologists, we are interested in the factors which drive variation in immune response within and between species. We are particularly interested in variability in immune systems across the tree of life, and the factors that have produced this immunity. Current projects include studies of microevolution of immune system structure across populations of the three-spined stickleback.